Norton Scientific – 4/11/2012 - This is a review of Broad and Wade’s Betrayers of the Truth. The author uses a subtitle which is revealing: the loyalist responds to heresy not by seeing that something might be wrong, that there may be some merit to this sort of reassessment, but by defending the ideology. Zinder has managed to misread Broad and Wade in several places. There is sufficient misrepresentation to mean that he read the book very selectively. “The authors continually confound science with scientists. And the book not only fails to enlighten us on science but doesn’t even begin to provide any insight on scientific method.” (p. 94) “Thirty four cases of fraud over a 2,000 year period are documented in the book, a number roughly comparable to the number of lawyers who went to jail for Watergate. Despite this small number, the authors imply that scientific fraud is common… read more articles
� f �� �h� es where the thieves use legitimate taxpayers’ information to file a return and claim a fraudulent refund. A notice from the IRS will usually be sent to a taxpayer if more than one return was filed in his or her name, or if he or she received salary from an unknown employer.Suspicious preparers of return have been known to steal their clients’ refunds or charge huge amounts for preparing the return on the client’s behalf. They basically draw potential clients by promising guaranteed or increased refunds. A number of federal courts have already issued hundreds of injunctions while the Justice Department has many pending complaints against others.
Because of this, taxpayers are warned to choose carefully who to hire as tax preparer. As a preventive measure, every paid preparer are required to have a PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number) that he needs to put on the returns he prepares.
Scammers typically target the elderly and persons who have low income in order to bring false hopes and charge them for the ‘advice’. But victims always end up disappointed afterwards.
For instance, several years ago, one of the most widespread tax frauds toyed with the concept that paying tax is not required at all but only voluntary. Furthermore, victims were told that if you put a specific language on your tax return, IRS would not tax you. But as part of the whole scam, you have to pay some amount or other to get the language and the proper forms.
The primary source of identity theft was discovered to be in hospitals where patient information is not secured properly.
IRS announced last month a national crack down on suspected perpetrators of tax fraud as part of their efforts to protect taxpayers. Together with the Department of Justice’s Tax Division, they have created a protection unit and a hotline dedicated for fraud issues to assist taxpayers.
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